Hillcrest Baptist Church · July 25, 2011
Man looks at the outward appearance and judges a person by how he looks and behaves or by what he possesses. But because God sees us as spiritual beings, created in His image, He focuses on our hearts and spirits. Whether you have a physical or mental disability, you were made for His purpose. When you give your life to Him, you become His precious child. Then He becomes your loving, Heavenly Father and pours His love into you, giving you hope and strength beyond your own.
Many people with disabilities live as outcasts of society. God never intended that any of His precious people be rejected. If you or any person you know have been affected by disabilities and are the ages of K-6 grade, please contact Hearts in Motion, Special Needs Ministry for dates and times of our next Respite. Families with special needs children need more than our prayers. They need to see us embrace their children.
Contact: Judy Reitz • (469) 688-9469 • [email protected]