Hillcrest Baptist Church · October 3, 2011
THANK YOU just seems to be inadequate in attempting to express my appreciation for the cards, gifts, the Sunday evening service (or roast!!!) and reception in honor of our 20 years at Hillcrest. The efforts and expressions by each of you individually and collectively have been humbling and encouraging. There is no doubt that the Hillcrest family knows how to celebrate. The words expressed by Keri Meek, and many of our children, Tommy Foster, Jaime Salazar and the ever eloquent, but roasting by Dr. Steven Smith were unbelievable, and to top it off some of our students just had to do a “blast of the past”.
Of course one of the great hits of the night was the Mariachi Band. In fact many have informed me that they want to have these gifted musicians return for a whole service in the future. Should they return I will have my camera ready because I am certain that some of our more reserved members were doing the “Baptist boogie” when they played. Even though it is feeble at best, because of your incredible acts of kindness, THANK YOU for being such a loving, gracious and wonderful church family.