Our Hillcrest Child Development Center is off and running with a new semester. The enrollment is right at 100 students and higher than we have ever experienced. What a blessing. The new Pre-K three day program has been well received and enrollment promises to be a wonderful feeder program for our Kindergarten class next Fall.

As of this writing we are preparing the permitting documents for the proposed educational K building. We are hoping the review process will be a matter of two to three weeks and we can start construction as soon as we receive approval from the City of Cedar Hill. This building will facilitate one large class and one small class.

The hail storm we experienced in June did significant damage to our roofs. We have an active insurance claim in process. Our roof was totaled as were most the houses in our immediate neighborhood. We have a great insurance agent and our policy will take care of the damage. In trying to be good stewards, our Trustees are working with the House and Grounds Ministry Team to upgrade the roof of our main building to a standing seam metal roof. The goal is to improve both longevity as well as energy efficiency. We have consultants working on colors to maintain the style and appearance of the wonderful facilities God has blessed us with.

Growing together to be like Christ,
rupert r. robbins
