Marybeth Simmons · June 11, 2013
Mission trip 2013 got off to a late start, but God has already been answering prayer as the students arrived safely in Wyoming.
Our flight was originally scheduled to depart at 4:55 PM from DFW, but did not leave till 7:15 PM. One hour and fifty minutes later we landed safely in Denver. After picking up the four vans at the rental place we stopped to eat around 10:00 pm outside of Denver. We arrived at Happy Jack Country Church around 1:00 AM Sunday morning. Six hours later we were up and out of bed and getting ready breakfast. After a short devotion time and a brief choir rehearsal, we led the Sunday morning worship service at 11:00 AM.
I wish you all could have been there to hear the students sing. It was so powerful. The choir sang several songs while pastor Donnie and Beverly Simmons led worship for the entire congregation. The spirit of God was definitely present.
After the morning worship service, the host church had a massive pot luck dinner for all of us. The students ate till their hearts content. Around 2:00 pm, the students had free time. Suddenly the boys had found some softball equipment and began a serious game of pasture softball. A few girls joined the game, but primarily it was boys running, sliding, diving, and playing their hearts out. What a fun time!
Around 4:00 PM, we loaded the vans and headed to Laramie. We arrived around 5:00 PMand went to work preparing to lead the evening service. After an amazing dinner of fresh cooked hamburgers on the grill by Michelle Hancock and Jason Meek, the students took their places on stage and sang five songs that led people to tears. Gods spirit was moving so freely.
Noah Vice and Abby Camarillo shared their testimonies in such a meaningful way. Many lives were touched.
After the service, the host church planned an ice cream fellowship for all the students. They had a blast.
As we arrived back at our host church around 10:00 PM, the students were sluggish. After showers, we had our evening devotion time and went over plans for Monday.
At midnight, we went to bed. God has been so good to us. We are so blessed.
Keep praying for us!!
1. We start our VBS sites Monday. We will be prayer waking and canvassing neighborhoods in the morning then heading our there for the VBS in the afternoon and evening.
2. Pray for rest. Students are sleeping on the ground so it takes getting used too.
3. Pray for life change! We are focuses on sharing the love of Christ. If this doesn’t happen, all is lost. Pray for boldness and courage to love the unlovable and reach the unreachable.
Thank for your prayers
Tommy Foster
Minister to Students