Please pray for our mission partners serving around the world.
- J & C – Middle East
Please pray for their family as they return to the states for the first time in four years. Pray this will be a restful and energizing time for them. Pray for government favor, as they continue to develop and grow their non-profit company to engage more Syrians through volunteer projects and out reach efforts.
- Marty & Nancy Rostad – Wyoming
Please pray God would give them wisdom and strength as they lead Lifeway Church. Ask Him to raise up more leaders and for them to be bold in sharing their witness. Pray for physical and emotional rest for the Rostads.
- Elvin & Jackie McCann – United States
Please pray for God to provide deeper connections among churches in the USA to build strategic relationships that lead to engagement of unreached peoples. Ask Him to give them wisdom as they develop these networks. Pray for physical strength and a growing understanding of the Scriptures.