2021 Budget Presentation

Sunday, November 15 • 5:00 PM

Each year, Hillcrest ministers to thousands of people here in our local community and around the world. To accomplish this task, our pastoral staff and ministry leaders prayerfully consider what the Lord would have us to budget each year. Join us Sunday, November 15 at 5:00 PM as we present our 2021 Ministry Budget. We are excited about what God has in store for Hillcrest in 2021 and look forward to sharing where God is leading our church in the new year.

From the Pastor

The Budget Ministry Team and the staff of Hillcrest Baptist Church are excited to present to you this proposed Ministry Budget for 2021. We have seen God do many amazing things this past year. This proposed budget represents what we believe God is leading Hillcrest Baptist Church to do and be in 2021. He is always faithful in resourcing everything he plans and designs.

Your staff and Finance Ministry Team is committed to financial responsibility and we will not spend monies that we do not have. We thank you for your confidence as we strive to be the best possible stewards of the resources God provides in and through Hillcrest Baptist Church to love and serve God and love and serve others.

Growing together to be like Christ,

Mike Simmons
Senior Pastor

Process in Forming the Budget

The Budget Ministry Team consists of: The Finance Ministry Team, pastor, ministerial staff, directors of program organizations and chairpersons of deacons, trustees and ministry teams. The chairman of the Finance Ministry Team also chairs the Budget Ministry Team. The process begins during the summer. Attendance numbers and contribution amounts are compiled. Those numbers are placed in a statistical formula with history from the last five years. The formula calculates a range for expected contributions for the coming year.

After setting the total amount of the budget, each person or ministry team responsible for line items submits their requests with justification. Normally, the budget requests are larger than the pre-determined total from the Budget Ministry Team. After hearing the requests and the facts from the Budget Ministry Team, the ministerial staff then takes those requests and creates a proposed budget. The Budget Ministry Team typically takes that budget and makes modifications as needed to determine the final budget. It is then proposed to the congregation.
