The purpose of the Senior Adult Ministry is to provide a ministry that will help people grow spiritually, serve faithfully, encourage one another through fellowship and experience the life-changing reality of Jesus Christ.
Our focus is outreach to others who haven’t experienced God’s salvation.
“O God, You have taught me from my youth and to this day I declare Your strength to this generation, Your power to everyone who is to come.” – Psalm 71:17-18
The Senior Adult Ministry of Hillcrest continues to provide various areas of enrichment, growth and fellowship. Our goal is to challenge those in the “Second Half” of life to make it their “Best Half”.
The senior years are a time of “Refinement” not retirement. Members have the opportunity to be involved in the hands-on missions, local and beyond. Many activities provided through the Bible study classes, fellowships, trips and Primetimers programs insure a place to serve in the prime of life. There is a place for you to be involved in the Senior Adult Ministry.