Today we are beginning a new series, It Starts At Home, in which we will look at what the Scriptures teach about our roles, responsibilities and privileges in the family. As we have heard from various sources, “as goes the family, so goes the nation.”
The crumbling of values, morals, and ethics is in direct relation to the deterioration of the family as God ordained and designed. No doubt there are those in our presence this morning who stand and say that they can identify with other deteriorating and troubled families. The Good News is your family can be changed, maybe not over night or even the next several months, but there can be change. Change can begin in your family if you are willing to be like Joshua and determine that you and your house will serve the Lord.
This morning we will learn from Joshua 24:14–15 how making one significant decision can give you a new direction in life, give you a new marriage, and a new family.