As we continue our series It Starts at Home we come to the subject of parenting, and today we will look at passing along our own values to our children.
Whenever I have preached or taught on the subject of parenting, I feel like the man who said, “Before we had any children I had ten theories on raising children, and now that I have children, I have no theories.”
Have you ever noticed how many TV shows there are about building, buying and renovating houses? In doing a quick search, I discovered at least twenty-three different shows. One that many of you know about is the reality show Fixer Upper with Chip and Joanna Gaines of Magnolia Homes in Waco, Texas. We watch these shows to get ideas, to dream, and hopefully to implement in our own houses. Our society has suddenly become fixated on our houses!
I wonder what would happen if we would give the same intensity and energy to the building and renovations of our homes? I intentionally did not use the word home earlier because you can live in a house without having a true home. As we look in Psalm 127 this morning we can learn much about teaching values to our children.