Video Credit: Hillcrest Baptist Church
How can our identity as the people of God help guide us through the social, political, and cultural filth of our day? What’s at stake when we live compromised lifestyles? This two-part series entitled “Identity Crisis: Rediscovering Who We Are and Why We Exist?” from 1 Peter chapter 2 is addressed to Christian believers, and will attempt to answer these questions while examining Peter’s words to “sojourners and exiles.” (I Peter 2:11).
Peter’s first letter was written to “elect exiles of the Dispersion,” (1:1) Christians who were marginalized and experiencing intense persecution, living in isolated places, and scattered throughout what is now the modern day country of Turkey. Under these circumstances, the temptation for the people of God was to forget who they were, and subsequently fail to fulfill the purposes that God had for them.
Peter writes with the sole purpose of encouraging these believers to live victoriously lives in the midst of their persecution by reminding them of who they are and why they exist. In this series, we’re going to examine Peter’s words in light of our own circumstances and once again be reminded of these truths which have incredible implications for us as the people of God living in this generation!