Sunday, February 25, 2018 @ 10:30 am

Sunday, Feb. 25, 2018 @ 10:30 am

This morning we come to a subject that is often seen from a very self-centered and selfish perspective. It has been a subject of great controversy and conflict, even to the division of local churches. The subject itself is not controversial, but because people make it what it is not, it become a point of contention.

When this subject is well understood, and people lay down their agendas they often find that their lives, marriages, and families are transformed. What is the subject before us this morning: Genuine Worship.

When God’s people genuinely worship Him, His power and presence come, and lives are transformed. Worship is all about HIM! In fact, the last positive command given in the Bible consist of only two words, “Worship God” (Revelation 22:9)

In John 4:19–24 we are told that the one thing that God seeks from His people is to “worship Him.” In John 4 our Lord teaches us about worshipping God. You may find it surprising that Jesus does not mention singing, music, styles, buildings, or anything that we physically and emotionally attach to worship. If you really want to experience genuine worship of God, the way He desires and expects to be worshiped, you can learn from Jesus the truth of genuine worship in John 4.

Gospel of John


Our church is reading through the Gospel of John over the course of this sermon series to help us to Get Fit through the Word of God. Access the reading plan online via the link below, or pick up a printed copy of the plan in the foyer.