Sunday, February 18, 2018 @ 10:30 am

Sunday, Feb. 18, 2018 @ 10:30 am

Proverbs 11:25 says, ‘’A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.’’

In our Get Fit Spiritually series we come today to the topic of generosity. In II Corinthians 8:1–5 we will discover one of the great marks of a follower of Jesus is that of generosity. The early Christians had very little, but they gave a lot; they were extremely generous. They not only ministered to the needs within the church, but they generously gave to others.

When you see or hear of someone that has very little yet they give much, you want to ask the question, “What motivates you to be so generous?”

We will discover that the church at Corinth was an extremely generous church. In fact, they had a reputation in their city of being a giving church, and when they heard of a need they would give generously.

We are never more like Christ than when we give!

Gospel of John


Our church is reading through the Gospel of John over the course of this sermon series to help us to Get Fit through the Word of God. Access the reading plan online via the link below, or pick up a printed copy of the plan in the foyer.