As we enter a new series today, “40 DAYS IN PRAYER”, I want to ask you a few questions. Is your life sustained by prayer? Is prayer the means that you practice in calling down the power of God in your life, and in the lives of others? To elevate where you are in a life of prayer, “Is prayer central, or is it peripheral, essential or used only when convenient?”
God has given to us prayer as the means which we enter His presence to worship and praise Him, to seek his presence, power, and provision, not only in our lives individually, but in the lives of our family, friends, those that are lost, and for those that lead over us. It is in prayer that we grow in our relationship with the Father, in our faith and in the body of Christ.od has given to us prayer as the means which we enter His presence to worship and praise Him, to seek his presence, power, and provision, not only in our lives individually, but in the lives of our family, friends, those that are lost, and for those that lead over us. It is in prayer that we grow in our relationship.
Someone has said that seven days without prayer makes one weak. The weakness of our Christian lives can largely be traced to our poor prayer habits. Charles Spurgeon said, ‘’Nothing brings such leanness into a man’s soul as lack of prayer.’’ On the other hand, if our Christian lives are to be strong, prayer is essential. Paul Billheimer said, ‘’The prayer closet is the arena which produces the overcomer.’’
In Ephesians 4:13-16, the Apostle Paul has given to believers how they can be equipped and “grow up in all things.” “All things” includes prayer, that we may be able to carry out the mission that Christ has given to His followers. Not only did Christ give us our mission, but He will equip and empower each of us to carry out our commission. So, the real question before every believer is “DO YOU REALLY WANT TO GROW UP?”