Worshipping with our church family is truly one of the highlights of my week, and I hope today is encouraging for you as well.
We are continuing our “40 Days of Prayer” emphasis by discussing the question “Who do you think you are talking to?” Our knowledge of who someone is affects how we talk to that person. Furthermore, the deeper our knowledge of a person grows, the more effective we become in our communication with said person. The same is true in our prayer life. A deeper knowledge of God directly affects how we approach him in prayer, and it changes the content of our prayers.
This morning, we will discuss Moses’ encounter with God at the burning bush in Exodus 3 and 4. In this passage, we will discover how God revealed his character to Moses and how these aspects of his character should affect our own prayer life. I pray that you will leave today with a richer knowledge of God that will allow you to have a more meaningful prayer life!