This morning we come to the final message in the series 40 DAYS OF PRAYER, and we will learn from James 5:13–16 about PRAYER AND HEALING. This is not a message about “does God answer prayer?” because we know that He does. In fact, Andrew Murray well stated, “In relation to His people, God works only in answer to their prayer.” Who has not prayed in a crisis (family relationship, sickness, job situation, financial, etc.) and God answered, maybe not in the way we would have desired, but in the way that changed our lives. For example, regarding healing, the Bible teaches us that healing is not becoming what we were but becoming all that God intends us to be (spiritually, emotionally, and relationally). Our focus in James 5:13-16 is not just about the healing of the sick, but about how we, the church, are to respond to those that are sick. What are we to do for the sick? We are to pray.