Sunday, July 28, 2019 @ 10:30 am

Sunday, Jul. 28, 2019 @ 10:30 am

Have you found your One? If so, do you have a strategy for engaging them with the gospel? Do you think you need one?

Whether you’re an outgoing, extroverted conversationalist who has no problem talking to people about any subject, or a quiet, introverted thinker who has trouble in social situations, it always helps when trying to get better at something to learn from the best. In John chapter 4, Jesus gives us a wonderful example of how to approach, engage, and confront someone in love, all with an aim to ultimately testify about Himself and the good news that his coming heralded.

My prayer for us this morning is that, as we encounter this passage together, we would understand more clearly both Jesus’ heart and his technique, his mission and his methods, what drove him to talk to the Samaritan Woman and how he went about it. May God use his Word to make us more like Christ and more effective for the Kingdom.

Other Sermons in this Series

The Story of Two Men

August 25, 2019


August 18, 2019

A Heart That Cares

August 11, 2019

A Conversation with One

July 28, 2019

What Would You Do to Reach One?

July 21, 2019