In James 1 we have learned that trials and temptations come to every believer, and regardless of the size, intensity, difficulty that any trial or temptation brings, we are to keep our eyes on our Lord, and allow Him to use these times to grow our faith, so that our faith can be seen by others through our actions and responses.
Amid every trial and temptation, we know any good and perfect gift always comes from God, because as the Bible teaches and we often say, God is good, all the time. In Genesis 1 and 2 we learn that in the midst of creation, God declared His creation to be good. Yet, because of the presence of sin in this world (Genesis 3), we know that even in times of adversity God is at work. In fact, “every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and comes down from the Father of light.” (James 1:17)
In James 1:16-25 we learn that God is good, all the time. It is in the middle of trials and temptations that James knew that believers would be tempted to think that a good God would not allow such things, and at that moment Satan will move in to take advantage. That is why this passage begins with “Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren,” (James 1:16), because God is good, all the time.