Video Credit: Hillcrest Baptist Church
Augustine said, “The greatest good is wisdom.” Both Scripture and ancient philosophers placed a premium on wisdom, which, broadly defined, is not simply a matter of possessing knowledge of facts and truths, but of applying what we know to everyday life.
James tells us that the kind of wisdom a person possesses will be revealed by the kind of life he/she lives. In James 3:13-18 we discover once again the theme of faith, as James reveals that as a believer grows in their faith, that their maturity will be seen through
the wisdom they display. In these verses we will learn where real wisdom comes from.
Wisdom is not merely something which is intellectually understandable; it must be demonstrated practically in Christian lifestyle. Just as “works” proves the quality of one’s faith, so “good conduct” proves the quality of one’s wisdom. The wisdom that shows forth
“good conduct” is “wisdom that is from above” (v. 17).
Kent Hughes stated, “Being wise does not mean we understand everything that is going on because of our superior knowledge, but that we do the right thing as life comes along.” Should you really desire to have wisdom we are told in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be
given to him.