Jesus said in Matthew 21:13 “My house will be called a house of prayer.” We believe God is leading Hillcrest into a time of renewal through prayer and fasting. There are three ways we want pursue this as a church family:
- “Prayer Resources” We are excited to offer you resources created to enhance the spiritual discipline of prayer, starting today!
- “A Night of Praise and Prayer” Please join us on Wednesday, January 10, for a night of prayer in the sanctuary. Our desire is to provide an interactive experience for all ages that will unify our church body and position us rightly before the Lord.
- “A Church Fast” Beginning on Wednesday, January 10, you’re invited to enter into a 21 day fast known as the “Daniel Fast”. This fast is based on the dietary choice of Daniel and three brothers to distinguish themselves as God’s servants during the Babylonian captivity. There will be secondary fasting options for those who have needs which may prohibit participation in a dietary fast.
Daniel Fast