Marybeth Simmons · October 2, 2012
The ministerial staff and leadership are excited to share with you a new benefit of membership at Hillcrest Baptist Church. Very soon, the church will launch a new software innovation that will give the members of our congregation the ability to access their membership information online. You can make changes to your address, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, and other items related to your membership records. Your membership profile can only be seen by you. You will not be able to view any other member’s profile and others will not be able to view your profile.
Once all of our membership records are updated, new benefits will continue to be implemented. Some of the benefits include:
In order for you to receive this benefit, we need to update our current database with the e-mail addresses of all our members. We will be organizing this effort through the Sunday School classes. Please help us by writing down your current e-mail on the list provided in your Sunday School class.
More details will be provided closer to the launch of the new software. As always, you are welcome to call the church office if you have any questions.