Marybeth Simmons · January 4, 2013
Each day, please focus your prayer time on a continental region as we prepare to host & experience God’s power during GIC.
Pray for those who have or will experience God’s call to missions, for the pastors, & for ministry leaders. Pray for boldness & revival to break forth from the church pews & in the hearts of all Christians. Pray for protection from spiritual warfare & persecution from the government, false teachings, & all opposition which ultimately comes from the Prince of Darkness. Pray for those involved in translating & transmitting the Scripture, so that the Word of God might be read & understood by the masses. Pray for the Gospel’s message to spread throughout the region & permeate even the darkest of hearts. Pray that the glory of God will be made known.
Day 1 – North America
Day 2 – South America
Day 3 – Europe
Day 4 – Africa
Day 5 – Asia
Day 6 – Australia and Pacific Islands
Declaring his glory among the nations.
– Psalm 96:3