Marybeth Simmons · July 18, 2017
We often hear of the Proverbs 31 woman. The description found in Proverbs 31:10-31 is held up as a model of an industrious, other-centered, God-fearing woman. No one particular chapter in Proverbs describes the model man, but a passage in the book of Job serves as a distinctively heroic model for manhood. In Job chapter 29 Job says that he…
This is a distinctively heroic model of manhood. Job uses his strength and leadership to serve others as a protector and provider rather than for selfish gain or exploitation.
Every strength, resource or leadership trait you have is from God, but it’s not for your own purposes. God equips you as a man to serve others.
How can you, in the power of the spirit, use your manhood to be a servant leader?
Consider your future wife
Begin praying for your future bride today. Ask God to form the character of Christ in you so that you will become the kind of heroic leader she deserves.
Consider your resources
What resources do you have? Even a single man on the tightest budget is most likely still in the wealthiest 1% of the world. Even if you don’t have a lot of spare cash, you likely have other resources such as a vehicle, tools, and perhaps extra clothes, food or supplies you could spare.
Consider your strengths
What strengths has God given you? Are you good with technology? Medicine? Accounting? Construction? Teaching? Music? Mentoring teens? Has God at least given you a strong back that you can lend in service?
Consider the needs in your church
What comes to mind as you think of the resources and strengths God has given you in light of the needs in your church? Where are you needed?
Consider the needs in your community
Now think about your community. How can you use the strengths, position, authority and resources God has given you to serve others? How can you be eyes to the blind, feet to the lame, or a father to the needy? How can you break the fangs of the unrighteous and make him drop his prey?
Going Further: Discover where you can use your strengths to serve others by going to THE INTENTIONAL SINGLE MAN page.