Video Credit: Hillcrest Baptist Church
Today we come to the third and final message in our Connected 3D series. We find ourselves in a rapidly changing culture because of continually changing technology. As disciples of Christ we need to intentionally apply Biblical precepts and principles to all areas of our life. As we have discussed the past two weeks, we definitely need God’s wisdom in the use of the technology that we bring into our homes and lives.
In Genesis 2 and 11, we learned that God gave us the assignment of having dominion over the earth, and that includes technology. As His people, we are to rule over all things of the earth in a way that brings glory to God. Last week, we learned through the life of Christ that we must make it a priority to disconnect from the busyness of life in order to connect with the Father, our family and friends.
Because of social media, we hear people say that they have hundreds of friends, but in reality most have hundreds of acquaintances. In John 15:12-17, we will discover the meaning of real friendship as we look at the words that Jesus shared with his twelve disciples as He said to them, “I have called you friends.”