Good morning! I’m glad to welcome you to worship today at Hillcrest Baptist Church.
Usually when you read a note or hear a voicemail saying that someone is not there, you become disappointed or even discouraged, especially if it was someone that you had really hoped or desperately needed to see.
Almost 2,000 years ago, there was a group of defeated, discouraged and hopeless women who went to a garden tomb to complete the burial traditions of that day for the body of Jesus. They had gone expecting to care for the lifeless body of their friend. They had watched Him die on the cross just three days earlier, and along with His death, all of their dreams and hopes had died as well. When they arrived at the tomb, the message they received was anything but hopeless. Yes, an angel delivered the news: “He is not here; for He is risen, as He said.” These words renewed their hope, lifted their spirits, comforted their hearts, and ignited their dreams and visions that Jesus had taught them.
Today we come to celebrate the greatest event in all of eternity, the RESURRECTION of Jesus Christ. Charles Spurgeon wrote, “Death was going through an upheaval. When Christ awoke from the sleep of death, he shook the world.” It is the resurrection that gives to us the total assurance of all the promises of God and the hope that we all need, not just for this life but for all eternity.
Whether you have come today to visit with a family or friend who belongs to Hillcrest, as one who is looking for a church home, or you just knew that this is a very special day and you wanted to find out more, I along with the members of Hillcrest are excited to have you celebrate the RESURRECTION with us. Please know that you are always welcome at Hillcrest, and we would count it a privilege to share more with you about the Good News that brings us together each Sunday.