Good morning! I’m glad to welcome you to worship today at Hillcrest Baptist Church.
I hope you have taken full advantage of the first three weeks of our seven-week JOURNEY through 2 Timothy. Even more so, I pray your personal JOURNEY during your time alone with God has brought you to a more FAITHFUL relationship with Christ. This should be the goal for each of us as we strive to be a FAITHFUL follower of Jesus Christ in every life circumstance.
This morning, we venture further on our journey called “Faithful in every circumstance.” We started by walking slowly down a path on Mother’s Day called “Faithful to your heritage.” Two weeks ago, we hiked along a trail called “Faithful to pass it one.” Last Sunday, we camped near a ledge called “Faithful to the end.” This week we attempt to travel down a raging river called “Faithful to the Word.”
I use the words “raging” and “river” to describe this week’s passage of Scripture because Paul, as our guide, is going to lead you and I down waters that are turbulent in our changing times. Many of the Biblical principles presented this morning will clash against the currents of modern day culture. Likewise, the Biblical precepts Paul is presenting to Timothy will seem trivial and irrelevant to modern day thought. But make no mistake, these waters are rough and some have drowned in their attempt to remain FAITHFUL to Biblical mandates and cultural relevancy. I am praying that God will speak TRUTH to us this morning. Yes, we will avoid the boulders of legalism and the free falls of relativism. But, we know that down river, a place of unity and peace among the family of God exists., if only we remain “FAITHFUL in every circumstance.”