Sunday, August 13, 2017 @ 10:30 am

Sunday, Aug. 13, 2017 @ 10:30 am

Good morning! I’m glad to welcome you to worship today at Hillcrest Baptist Church. 

Jesus’ last charge (Matthew 28:19–20 and Acts 1:8) to His followers, and today to His Church, is to “GO” and verbally share the Good News of salvation with others, and when someone responds to the Gospel, we are to “make disciples” of them. When was the last time that you had the privilege to introduce someone to Jesus?

This morning we will begin a four part sermon series called “Tell Someone”. “Tell Someone” is the title of a very refreshing and encouraging book by pastor and evangelist Greg Laurie in which he shares his own personal journey to Christ as his Savior, and how he began sharing Him with others. There are copies of this book available for purchase, at our cost, in our HomeLife center.

In John 1:38–40 Jesus, following His baptism by John the Baptist, began calling His original disciples to follow Him. One of those that received an invitation was Andrew. Andrew is only mentioned thirteen times in the New Testament, and two of those occasions we find him bringing others to Jesus. The first person that Andrew tells about Jesus is his brother Peter, and the second individual was a young boy. It is my prayer that we will all be like Andrew and tell someone.