Today, in our Get Fit Spiritually series, we come to a subject that every believer is aware of, but few practice with any consistency. In Acts 1:8, Jesus said that His followers are to be witnesses to Him. That is our mission. We have been charged with sharing the Good News of Jesus with others wherever we go.
If we are honest, most would say that they find sharing the Good News hard to do. It is not that they do not want to, but they feel inadequate, unequipped, fearful of messing up, or one of many other reasons. Many are missing fulfillment and great joy in their life in Christ, because they seldom, if ever, share the Good News with anyone.
In Acts 1:4–11 we will discover how to be witnesses as we learn some simple truths from Jesus just before returning to heaven. In these verses we will come to understand why, what, and where believers are to be witnesses.
Our church is reading through the Gospel of John over the course of this sermon series to help us to Get Fit through the Word of God. Access the reading plan online via the link below, or pick up a printed copy of the plan in the foyer.