Hillcrest offers ministries designed to encourage and equip every member of your family. There are ministry opportunities available for adults, married or single, men and women of any age, students, and children. Have fun discovering your ministry.
Hillcrest has several areas of service that you can participate in. Fill out our interest form and we will contact you when opportunities arise. Categories of service areas are broken down into bite-sized ideas and suggestions to help you discover your gifts and to make it easy to choose a place of service. Prayerfully read through the lists and check any and all of the items that interest you.
For members
Through the PLACE class, you will discover that God created you with a unique personality, and has entrusted you with spiritual gifts, abilities, passions and experiences to use in order to serve Him. Discovering God’s purpose and plan for your life will help you find your PLACE of service within the local body here at Hillcrest.
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